mechano-, mechan-; mechanico-; machin-

(Greek makhana, machana > Latin machina: machine, device, tool; an apparatus for applying mechanical power to do work; mekhanikos > machynen, decide a course of action, contrive, plot contrivance; a machine or the workings of machines)

mechanist (s), mechanists (pl) (nouns)
A person who is skilled in the design or construction of machinery: "As a mechanist, George was able to develop a robotic machine that could increase efficiency on the production line."
mechanization (s), mechanizations (pl) (nouns)
A process in which machines come into use to replace human and animal power: "Unlike automation, which may not depend at all on a human operator, mechanization requires human participation to provide information or instructions."

"Mechanizations started with human-operated machines to replace the handwork of craftspeople; now, computers and other electronic hardware are frequently used to control those mechanized functions."

mechanize, mechanizes; mechanized; mechanizing (verbs)
A process that changes various processes or activities so they are done with machines instead of by people or animals: "Inventions have been developed over the decades that make it more efficient to mechanize agriculture, transportion, home equipment, communication, etc."

"Air transportation is still mechanizing aircraft that are supposed to be safer and more efficient."

mechanized (adjective)
A reference to equipping someone or a group with modern machines or vehicles: "The mechanized infantry of the army not only had tanks, but they also had other modernized equipment."
The study of how mechanical stimuli regulate biological processes. The mechanobiology of bone and cartilage lies at the heart of two of the most common skeletal diseases in the elderly: osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

Cells are sensitive to mechanical force, and respond in a variety of ways, many of which are beneficial, but others that contribute to disease.

While biologists have contributed greatly to our understanding of the biochemical signaling pathways that transmit these responses, little progress has been made in identifying the initiating event in which a mechanical force is first transduced into a biochemical signal.

Mechanics regulates biological processes at the molecular, cellular, tissue, organ, and organism levels.

Mechanical loading can influence cell proliferation, differentiation, and metabolism; and as such, plays a crucial role in the growth, adaptation, regeneration and engineering of living tissues.

Several mechanisms have been proposed, and some have been characterized, but there is still much to learn.

In the process of studying the interactions between force and biology, this new field of mechanobiology is now being studied in various universities.

Use of graphic tracings reflecting the mechanical effects of the heartbeat; such as, the carotid pulse tracing or apexcardiogram.

Phonocardiography is also usually considered a form of mechanocardiography.

An in vitro (glass container) tissue culture (cells from tissues) fibroblast or an immature fiber-producing cell of connective tissue.
Written, copied, or recorded by machinery; that is, produced by mechanography.

Examples include: a mechanographic record of changes of temperature; and mechanographic prints.

1. The art of copying or reproducing a work of art or writing by mechanical means.
2. The art of mechanically multiplying copies of a writing, or any work of art.
mechanogymnastics (noun) (a plural used as a singular)
Gymnastic conditioning done with mechanical devices; such as, a system of levers and pulleys designed to provide manipulation and exercises for the body and limbs: Tom does mechanogymnastics as often as possible in the local fitness studio in order to maintain a better physical status.
The body, or ome, of data including cell and molecular processes relating to force and mechanical systems at molecular, cellular, and tissue length scales; that is, the fundamental "machine code" structures of the cell.

Ome refers to a field of study in biology ending in -omics; such as, genomics (organism's hereditary information) or proteomics (large-scale study of proteins; especially, their structures and functions).

The mechanical systems within an organism.
mechanophobia (s) (noun) (no plural)
An irrational dislike of machines: It didn't matter if the car engine was meant or the appliances in the kitchen, but Janet, afflicted with mechanophobia, just didn't understand them and stayed away from such machinery because she was afraid of them breaking down or hurting her in some way and it would be her fault!
mechanoreceptor (s), mechanoreceptors (pl) (nouns)
In zoology, a bodily sense organ or cell which responds to mechanical stimuli: "Examples of mechanoreceptors are reactions to sounds or touches."
mechanosensation (s), mechanosensations (pl) (nouns) (pl) (nouns)
A process in which mechanical stimuli are translated into neurological impulses: "Some mechanosensations include physiological sense experiences; such as, touch, hearing, balance, pain, etc."